The expectation in today’s world is that we are always connected. We have 24/7 access to news and social media and connect with our friends in an instant. This instant access has its perks, but it also has its downfalls. Taking a little time to disconnect from electronics can provide several important benefits. Consider these things you might gain from unplugging for a while.
Less stress – The requirement to be “always on” and “immediately responsive” creates stress. Unplugging for a while can allow you to de-stress and relax.
More intimate connections – When we’re always plugged in, we may connect with more people in a day, but the connections are more superficial. Take a little time to have a face to face conversation with someone you care about with no interruptions.
Greater mental focus – Constant connection often equates to constant interruption. When you really need to focus on something, disconnecting while you work may help you to do a better job and get the job done more quickly.
Easy Ways to Make Sure You Disconnect Regularly
Disconnecting from technology will be most beneficial if you practice it regularly. Here are some simple rules you can use to help you avoid being overly connected and allow you some time to recharge.
- No phones at dinner. When you sit down with your family for a meal, make it a rule that phones are not welcome at the table. This allows you to have conversation with each other face to face.
- Turn off your phone at the same time each night. There’s no reason to stay on the phone until bedtime every night. Shut down well in advance of bedtime to allow yourself to wind down.
- Wait to look at your phone or computer first thing in the morning. Give yourself an hour to get ready for the day before you begin the day’s connection. Have coffee, take a shower and allow yourself to wake up in peace.
Technology is a beautiful thing. But, it’s not so beautiful when it controls your life. Take charge of your connection time and recognize when enough is enough.