Benefits of Regular Sleep by Cindy Stradling CSP, CPC

Often when we are pursuing an important goal, there is a tendency to overwork. When there are too many tasks to accomplish and your life can feel overwhelmed. In many cases, this activity can lead to a lack of sleep.

Sometimes, the lack of sleep is the result of trying to fit too much activity into the day, resulting in working late into the night. At times, you may try to sleep, but stress and a long list of incomplete tasks may make you restless, and can cause insomnia.

Regardless of which problem you’re experiencing, it is critical to get back into your regular sleep routine. There are positive benefits that come from regular, restful sleep.

1. Increased ability to focus. When you are sleep deprived, you lack focus. Simple mental challenges are suddenly more difficult. You are more likely to make mistakes when you do not get regular sleep. In the long run, you may put in longer working hours, yet be less productive.

2. Health. Busy people don’t have time to get sick. However, people who don’t get regular sleep are much more likely to get sick. This is another way lack of sleep negatively affects productivity. Many serious illnesses are linked to sleep deprivation, such as Type2 Diabetes, stroke, heart attack and obesity.

3. Outlook changes. When you are tired and unproductive, you are more likely to have a negative outlook on things. Sometimes it could even lead you to give up on a goal too soon.

Handling Insomnia

But, what if you’re trying to sleep, but just can’t seem to get any rest? This is an all too common problem when there are many things going on in your life, and when you are under stress. Here are some ways to help increase your chances of sleep.

1. Stop working one hour before bedtime. Take some time to unwind from work before bed. Do something enjoyable, such as reading, watching television or enjoying your favorite hobby. This will help slow your mind, making it easier to sleep.

2. Avoid alcohol. If you find that you fall asleep easily, but wake during the night unable to go back to sleep, alcohol could be part of your problem. Avoid alcohol and see if you start sleeping better.

3. Turn off TV when you go to bed. While television can be a great way to wind down before bed, it’s not a good idea to leave it on while you sleep. The background noise of the television can prevent your brain from shutting down appropriately so that you can rest peacefully. If you like to fall asleep to the television, use a remote with a timer so that the television will shut off.

Regular sleep is an important part of your health and your productivity. When something gets in the way, it can cause many problems you might never suspect. Work to get your sleep patterns back on track so that you can get back to your normal, productive life.