Summertime – The Value of Taking Time Off by Cindy Stradling CSP, CPC

Summer is the season of vacations. Kids are generally out of school, and the weather is warm. But, for busy entrepreneurs, the idea of taking a vacation from the business you’re trying to build can be stressful, and may make you feel a little guilty. That feeling is common, but not necessarily in the best interest of your work or personal life.  Here are three reasons you need to take that vacation this year without wasting a minute worrying or feeling guilty about it.

  1. Your brain and your body need rest. No one can go at full speed forever without suffering both physically and mentally. A well planned vacation, where you take time to ensure that everything back at the office is under control may be just the thing that prevents a poorly timed emergency illness. Your emotional and physical health will thank you for the little getaway. You may not even realize how exhausted you are until you take the time to relax.
  1. You will come back with a fresh perspective. Time away helps you to distance yourself from the everyday annoyances and problems of the workplace. By doing so, you often see these issues in a more productive light. You may find that you are able to make some much needed changes upon return from a good vacation. You may also find that you see simple solutions to problems that have been plaguing you for weeks at work.
  1. Your business is not the only thing in your life. Many successful business people lose family and friendships along the way because of overwork. Don’t let your desire to build a thriving business cause you to risk the relationship with your family and friends. A week or so away helps you to strengthen those family bonds and reminds you of what’s most important.

Vacations are important for many reasons. Truly successful people live a balanced life that allows time for all the things that are important. This allows you to keep a good attitude about both your work and your home life, ensuring that all your relationships remain intact. In addition, taking that time to enjoy some down time will often make you a much more rested and productive leader when you return to the office, allowing you to make the most of the business you’ve worked so hard to grow.