Taking Time Off the Grid by Cindy Stradling CSP, CPC

As we gear up for the holiday season, it’s natural to think about taking time off to spend with our families. Many of us look forward to this time, but many of us also feel a bit of stress associated with taking time away from work. We fear that productivity will suffer or that others will look at us as not dedicated enough.

But, the truth is that we all benefit from down time, and that our productivity suffers in the long run when we fail to take a break every now and then. So, when you’re tempted to feel stressed or guilty about the time you’re taking for the holidays, keep these things in mind.

  • Time away from work allows you to free your mind from the thought patterns you use on a daily basis when working. When your mind becomes free of this pattern for a while, you gain a new perspective on issues you’re facing. Don’t be surprised if you come up with the solution to a problem you’ve been wrestling with out of the blue while you’re on vacation.
  • Time away from work allows you to focus on your closest relationships. These are the people you do the work to provide for, the ones you miss when you are working and the ones you feel guilty for leaving to work. Strengthening those important relationships without the interruptions of work leaves you feeling fulfilled and happy, which helps you to be more productive when the time comes.
  • Time away from work allows you to really rest. A vacation gives you the opportunity to rest your body and your mind for an extended period of time, and time to pursue interests that are not related to work. All of these things help you to regain mental focus and fresh perspective when it comes time to return to work.

As the holidays approach, remember these three things, and don’t allow yourself to feel stressed out or guilty about the time you take with your family. Time away is a win-win for both your personal life and professional life. You will gain the chance to reconnect with those you love and remind yourself of why you get up each day to pursue your business. At the same time, you’ll gain the rejuvenation you need to attack your business with full attention when that holiday is over.