Cindy and I ‘met’ when she sent a note out to her community on behalf of one of her colleagues (kindly forwarded to me by a shared connection) looking for coach/facilitators. Cindy walks her talk! Upon seeing my response, she looked up my Linked In profile, invited me to connect and have a call to get acquainted. I felt an immediate connection with her, appreciating her energy, enthusiasm and wonderful sense of humour. I was in the midst of my business planning and had been looking for a coach to challenge me in my thinking and before the end of that call, asked Cindy if she would be that person. Cindy brings a unique balance of directness and compassion to our conversations. She generously shares her wisdom gleaned from her longstanding business success and life experience, and readily connects me with others in her community who may be able to offer perspective on a given topic. I am so grateful for the way Cindy has challenged me to think differently about my business and honoured to be in a shared community with her.